E&C Behind The Business - Getting to Know Genevieve
A: My name is Genevieve Timmins--people call me Genna usually
Q: Have you always gone by that name?
A: Well no. All growing up I was called by middle name (all my sisters go by their middle name), Carmen. I switched after finishing high school to my first name. I love both names, but I really enjoy going by Genevieve.
Q: Where do you live?
Q: What keeps you busy these days?
A: I love staying busy. I'm attending the University of Utah full time and working as a nanny for a couple of different families throughout the week. I'm also a personal assistant and I sit on the Advisory Board for the Tyler Robinson Foundation. My favorites though are: dating (still gotta find my man!!), dancing, and being an aunt over Facetime, On Saturday I volunteer for my church in downtown Salt Lake City once a week. Oh! And trying to keep up on Once Upon a Time!

Q: What's your role in E&C?
I keep us organized! I schedule our meetings (Almost a full-time job in and of itself considering I have to coordinate 4 different time zones!). From those meetings I compile all of our notes and feedback. I love the opportunities E&C has brought for talking to my sisters more.
Q: If you could have any super power what would it by?
Q: What are your hobbies?
A: I love dancing, baking, singing, trying new foods, adventures, playing with kids, scrapbooking, reading, sports...chocolate.