4th of July - Layered Drinks
The key to these drinks is two part. First is ice. Make sure to have lots of ice on hand. More than you might think.
Second, you must know the sugar content of your drinks. This was the tricky part for me, since all the labels on my drinks were in Japanese. I did the trial and error method to determine that part.
To begin, fill your glass 1/3 full of ice. Pour your first drink up to the level of the ice. This must be the drink with the highest sugar content. For me that was the white. As you can see, my white layer ended up being smaller than the rest - that red, just can't stay out of the spotlight.

Next, fill the remaining space in the glass completely full of ice. Pack it in there - the more the better. Pour your second drink (the one with second most sugar) up to the 2/3 mark on your glass. Pour it directly on to an ice cube, towards the side of the glass for best results. Finish off with your least sugary drink, repeating the directly-on-to-an-ice-cube tip.
And... voila! A layered drink! This is also fun to do in a pitcher or large drink dispenser for a party. Follow the same steps, and make sure to have even more ice!