Meet Chanel: Little Head to Toe {E&C Shop Small Feature Post}
Since starting Elephant & Chick in the fall, we have been lucky enough to meet some pretty great people. From @ajoyfulriot (thanks for featuring our button on your blog!) to @thesemisweetsisters, @cinnaminimuffin, @happilyhezface, @5magnolialane, and now to @littleheadtotoe.
Today we wanted to give a shout out to our latest favorite...
Chanel is the owner of Little Head To Toe and makes the cutest bow ties, headbands, bows and soft soled shoes.
Chanel has been nice enough to give our readers a 15% off code starting today till next Friday!!! {June 5 - June 12.} Can you believe it eeeeep...!
Scroll to the bottom of the post for the coupon code!
A little Bit About Chanel
Chanel was raised in So Cal., but currently resides in Salt Lake City, Utah. Her father is from El Salvador, and her mother is Samoan. Although she has those two amazing cultures, she doesn't speak either language. She met her husband through her Mother-in-law. They dated for 6 months then got married in September of 2012. A week before their first anniversary they welcomed their baby boy who is now 20 months old. Her son is her inspiration for the shop and her baby model for all of her products and even some of her girl ones! Chanel is also an identical twin and they are truly are best friends. Her sister helps give her advice with fabric choice and gives her the cold hard truth if something is not cute. (We all need a sister like this in our lives!) Chanel loves to sing and dance and serve others. She is a person who hardly says no when someone needs help. She believes and follows Christ and has a picture of Him on her sewing machine.
What inspired you to start the shop?
I love to craft. However my love for sewing is more recent. I saw many cute girl things, but not to many cute boy things. So one day I started making little bowties for my little guy. My husband inspired me to make more and more things. Later I started making soft soled shoes. They are really the only shoes my son wants on his feet.
I love hearing about creative work spaces and routines. Describe your work space and a typical day of creating a shoe.
A typical day for me starts out with a walk. Then I print shipping labels and send off the orders I finished the night before. Then my son and I head to the post office. I love spending time with my son reading, dancing, and singing along to Pandora Disney radio. I usually sew during his 3 hour nap and at night when he goes to bed. When I start on my orders I begin by cutting out all the patterns. I then sew sew away as fast as my fingers and the machine will let me. I'm still figuring out the best routine, but this works for me.
Favorite thing about running your shop?
I'm seriously all about great customer service. I am really happy when customers are happy. I also love seeing your Babes wearing my products.
Tell me about some of the people you’ve met while working at your shop.
I've met other small shops owners, brand enthusiasts on instagram, photographers, as well as different bloggers. Although I have not met all of them in person, I love my social media friends. It makes me happy when they comment ideas, compliment me on my work, and invite others to see what my shop is all about.
If a kid walked up to you asking for your advice and you only had a few minutes to give ‘em your best tip, what would it be?
Live your life to the fullest! That includes eating lots of candy, ice cream and junk food. Hah!
If you had a list of “best-kept secrets” [websites, books, coaches] you’d recommend, which would you include and why?
One source I currently find myself seeking advice from is "I'm like Brave." It is run by Hillary, shop owner of Free Babes. She interviews another small shop owner every week who have built up successful companies. I just love hearing others stories and advice of other woman. It's truly inspiring.
Everyone has a favorite/least favorite product. Name yours and why?
My favorite item is my navy anchor bow tie and matching shoes. It's also my best seller! :) I love nautical.
Chanel has been kind enough to give our readers 15% off their entire order! Enter coupon code: "EANDC15" when checking out her shop, Little Head to Toe. It will expire in a week: June 5th-June12 - so get your shopping pants on!