Subway Wall [washi tape]
Visitors always ask the same questions, right? “What is your favorite thing to do
here,” “What foods should we try,” “Where should we try them,” etc. Living in a destination city and
hosting visitors comes with responsibility! I’ll be the first to say I could definitely spend some more
time watching Rick Steves videos and reading Wikipedia in order to enhance my
guests’ visits. Often, they arrive
at my home, knowing more about the sites they want to see from their pre-trip
research than I do! That said,
they’re always interested in my help exploring this stop on their trip, and I
like to do the best I can to accomplish that for them. It requires a strategy.
While living in San Francisco, we kept a spreadsheet of our
favorite restaurants. Nerdy, I
know, but what else would you expect from two recently graduated accounting
majors? We had it all decked out
with categories and filters, which, in our minds, made it super accessible and
easy to navigate. Ha. Were we wrong. Maybe to another couple of businesses
majors, but it definitely didn’t pan out like we thought. Even we lost interest in keeping it
updated after a while.
Eventually we moved from San Francisco to Tokyo, another
destination city with lots of things to see and food to try. Rather than start up a new spreadsheet
we though, “new city, new method.”
This time we’ve taken a more visual approach: a washi tape rendition of
the city! Rather than a file on
the computer, it takes up an entire wall of our guest room!
In the middle of the wall is the station nearest our
house. From there we drew in the
major subway and train lines with washi tape, marking other stations along the
way. Each station has an envelope pinned to the wall, where we collect the business cards, fliers, and tickets
from various restaurants and other sites we’ve seen in the city. Now, when we welcome guests to our
home, we have a visually appealing piece of art to show them, helping them get
oriented to the city they travelled so far to see, right away! Plus, at the end of their trip, it's fun to include our visitors in adding to the wall with new places or food we discovered with them.
This could easily be applied to any city. With the purpose of visitors in mind or
not, it’s an interactive way to document your time in a city, similar to a
scrapbook or a home video. Mark
the major neighborhoods around your house, where you spend your time, and start
filling up those envelopes!
What a great idea! I bet it is nice to have everything so organized.