{Thanksgiving Printable} "It is not happy people who are thankful, it is thankful people who are happy."

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Last Sunday in Fast and Testimony Meeting a lady that I deeply respect and look up to, stood up and shared a few words with the congregation.  Her family is going through something truly tragic few people will ever have to go through in this life; therefore, I was interested to hear what was on her mind.  To my surprise, she never once mentioned the trial they are enduring.  Instead, through tears streaming down her cheeks, bore testimony on the power of gratitude.

She talked about being grateful in our circumstances, whatever they may be.  She talked about trusting God and His timing.  She bore testimony to the peace she felts in her heart when she remembers to be grateful and trust in the Lord.

This testimony really struck me to the core.  So much so that I sat down at my computer and wanted to put into words how I was feeling after this experience.  I created the following printable that happens to be appropriate for the "Thanksgiving Season" as well:

"It is not happy people who are thankful, it is thankful people who are happy."  

This Thanksgiving let's try to be a little more grateful than we have been in the past.  Let's promise to not let our gratitude be dictated from our circumstances, rather let our gratitude be present no.matter.what.  After all, does the Lord give us gratitude or does he give us the opportunities to be grateful? Does the Lord give us patience or the opportunity to be patient?  Does the Lord give us understanding or the opportunities to understand?     

Happy Gratitude Season, friends.  I am grateful for you! For giving me the opportunity to express my inspiration and thoughts with you in the form of this blog.  

----- Do download the full resolution print in 5x7 click here, 8x10 here -----