{DIY} How to Hang Yard Lights

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A couple of weeks ago, my dad had this awesome idea to hang twinkle lights in the yard amongst the trees.  I looked at him in question wondering how this was going to work, but decided to just go with it.

My dad is a very creative man - I mean, this is the man that when we begged for him to put up Christmas lights, he surprised us by putting red and green light bulbs in the outside lights around the house (yes...we were all like what?! Those are not lights, but looking at it now I think it's pretty genius).  Anyways, he came up with this awesome plan of how to hang the lights around the yard, and it was pretty east and straightforward.

Here's what we used:
- Feit Outdoor Weatherproof Lights (currently can be purchased at Costco!!!)
- 5 4-⅞ in. screw eye with ⅜ in. thread (bought at Home Depot)    
- We also grabbed some colored lights from Hobby Lobby for a pop of color    

The plan was to screw the screw eyes into the trees and loop the lights around.  The eye on the screw was not big enough, so I asked a worker at Home Depot to help me widen it (otherwise it can be done at home with a few tools).

My dad went 11 feet up and drilled a hole in the tree, then easily screwed in the screw eye.

From there is was pretty simple.  We started at the house with the lights (where we had access to a plug), and swung them around the yard!