A Day in Shannon's Life: Welcome to San Francisco

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Hi, there! My name is Shannon and I'm sister number 3 of the Elephant & Chick family. I currently live in San Francisco and have completely fallen in love with the views, the culture, the people, and all the delicious food. Today, I want to share a few pictures of a typical day in my life, so you can learn a little more about me and this place I call home.

1. Acai Bowls for Breakfast. My husband and I have mornings down to a science. He is in charge of making breakfast while I pull together our lunches. One of our favorite go-to breakfasts is acai bowls. If you haven't tried them, they are so easy to throw together and keep me full until lunch! (Find our recipe here).

2. Gap Headquarters. I work downtown as a marketing manager for Gap. I absolutely love my job. The hallways are lined with racks and racks of clothing, and I often get distracted at the shoe rack to check out the upcoming season's new arrivals. {insert heart-eye emoji here}. One of my favorite parts of the office is the amazing view. I mean, does the picture above even need an explanation?

3. Lunch at the Ferry Building. Since my building is on the Embarcadero, I'm minutes away from one of the largest Food Meccas in San Francisco: the Ferry Building. Home to almost 50 small restaurants (and the largest Farmer's Market in the city on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays), this destination will satisfy any food craving and is one of my favorite places to "people watch." Be warned though: the Ferry Building is packed with hungry tourists and busy working professionals during lunchtime. My advice is either go early to beat the rush, or enjoy a late lunch. Be sure to check out my favorites: Delica, Out the Door, and Cowgirl Creamery.

4. Mid-Afternoon Cookie Delivery. Yes, you read that right. There is a company that will delivery fresh cookies right to your door in less than 20 minutes. It's called Doughbies, and if you haven't tried it yet, you're missing out on one of the most luxurious mid-day pick-me-ups out there. Click the following link for $5 off your first order! (https://www.doughbies.com/#/r/lchtdmfm
(*Doughbies currently only delivers to certain areas in San Francisco. If you don't live in SF, be sure to check them out next time you visit. I mean, who couldn't use a mid-tourist-day treat?!)

5. A Cable Car Ride Home. Contrary to popular belief, cable cars aren't just for tourists. In fact, my commute home is filled with many locals hitching a ride home for the day. I still get the thrill of hanging off the side and letting the wind blow through my hair. And I never get tired of watching tourists take a few selfies. Classic tourist move.

6. Ice Cream for Dessert. I'm convinced that every day should end with a scoop of ice cream. If you venture out for ice cream in SF, chances are it will be 100% organic and all the ingredients will be locally grown (insert eye roll here...). My favorites include Lemon Cookie from Three Twins, and Creme Brûlée from Bi-Rite Creamery.

Moral of the story, I have a pretty good life. And I completely agree with Rudyard Kipling: "San Francisco has only one drawback, 'tis hard to leave."


  1. um....you forgot a bakery in the Ferry Building! Thanks for sharing your SF heart!!

    1. Oh yes! We do love that bakery. The Ferry Building is definitely one of my favorite food spots in the city. Come visit soon so we can grab some macaroons and gingersnaps!
