Your Time is Valuable {Free Printable Download}

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Are your social media feeds as full of first-day-of-school photos, sack lunch jokes, and teacher appreciation gifts as mine are?  Second question: is it just me, or when you were a kid, was September the "back-to-school" month for you too (not August)?  That, plus the fact that my child is only one year old and years away from starting school, meant that I was totally blindsided by all of this "end of summer" talk.  Summer for us in Tokyo is just now starting to be enjoyable!  With the heat and humidity finally lowering to bearable levels, we are looking forward to another while yet of hikes, trips to the beach, and plenty more popsicles.  

That said, as you send your kiddos off to school this week, I want to share some inspiring words.  I came across this quote and fell in love with how succinct and on-par it is.  Whether you share it with your grade schoolers still living under your roof or young adult going off to college I think it is profound.  

"Your time is valuable,
Your talents are many,
Your future is bright."
-Thomas S. Monson

I hope to teach my children to make wise choices; to be deliberate about where they spend their time.  Those choices will impact their future greatly, and the beginning of school - a clean slate with a whole new set of choices and opportunity - seems like a fitting time to reflect on that point.

There's my thought for you.  But, the best news is... I'm not just sharing nice words with you... I'm sharing a free printable!  Click the link below to download and print a copy for yourself.  

Download the free Printable here.