Pulled Pork Pizza + Hawaiian Pizza {Homemade Style}

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When Andrew and I first moved to San Antonio we were friendless, like you are when you move to a new place (womp, womp).  A friend from our old neighborhood in Pittsburgh found out where we were moving to in San Antonio and hooked us up with his Brother and Sister-in-law that live in the area.  After moving in the first week we made plans to go over to their house and have dinner.  It was a forced playdate if you will.... haha (emoji crying your eyes out you're laughing so hard).  

Dinner ended up being a huge success and we quickly fell in love with this family.  They also introduced us to a food group we will forever be indebted to them for:  Texas BBQ; specifically, Rudy's.   

Penelope (1 month) and Tagg (3 months) on their first trip to Rudy's when Lauren came to meet Penelope 
If you've come to visit us here in SA, chances are we've taken you to this tasty little joint several times and you request it every time you come to visit hereafter.  

Fast forward a year and a half to this past 4th of July.  This "forced friendship" has blossomed into some of our greatest friends.  We are over at their house for the holiday and decide to have BBQ to celebrate the holiday. I can't think of a more patriotic way to celebrate can you?  After all BBQ is what you eat in Texas... 

After wrapping up dinner and leaving before the fireworks (because we're lame like that now and have a baby that needs to go to sleep at the same time every night regardless if it is a holiday or not) our friends handed us a huge ziplock bag of pulled pork. Score! 

On the way home Andrew and I were listing all the countless things we could do with the pulled pork.  Seeing as the 4th of July was on a Saturday this year, and on Sunday's we do Sunday Pizza Night, it only seemed obvious what we would do with the pork. Make a pizza!!!!  

Yes, it is even better then it sounds.  What you will need is: 

 My favorite pizza dough (you can see the recipe in this post), barbecue sauce 

and don't forget your mozzarella cheese.  

Now, for the pièce de résistance...the pulled pork.  

When it comes out of the oven be sure to top if off with some cilantro.  

p.s. Another one of our favorite pizza's on this amazing stone is Hawaiian Pizza.  

We like to brown the ham in a pan before putting in on the pizza, and of course use fresh pineapple, as opposed to caned pineapple.  

Bon Appétit!